How To Use MCF™ Facial Pore Cleanser
- We encourage trying all different heads at different suction modes starting with • and gradually moving to •• and •••
- We highly recommend starting with • first not leaving on any spot for longer than 2 seconds.
- It is advised to use it before bed or late in the evening as it may cause light redness in the area as pores open up.
- Avoid passing over same area more than once.
- Most common areas: Nose and area around it, Chin, Forehead. Using on your cheeks has to be done at lowest suction mode to avoid excessive redness.
DO NOT use it over dry skin. We recommend using it on slightly moist skin or straight after shower or after face is thoroughly washed with warm water as it will help pores to open and you will achieve maximum result doing so.
MCF™ cannot predict or guarantee that you will attain a particular result by using this product, as results may differ for each individual. Each individual's results may depend on his or her unique skin type as well as other factors.
If uncertain, please consult with your dermatologist prior to purchasing this product.